Wednesday, September 9, 2009


People in Europe have got to be shrugging their shoulders in that continental “what-the-fuck” gesture and asking themselves what’s going on in America when they hear the news coming out of the U.S. these days.

I’m sure they might have thought of us a bit differently when we elected Obama and put aside George W. Bush, that shining star in the pantheon the asshole presidents.

But, with the start of the health care legislation and the accompanying mad-house Town Hall debates; complete with proud members of the N.R.A. carrying guns alongside there Blackberries; for no reason other than they can; the rest of the western industrialized world must be rethinking that vacation trip to the Grand Canyon.

I mean…I don’t really care what a “dining room table” has to say to Barney Frank. The problem is what these dribbling idiots say into a microphone at a Town Hall meeting affects…me. I live here too. But, unlike these crazies, at the end of the day, I don’t go home and play with the cat shit in the litter box.

Now, with the latest rioting in the streets over the Presidential address to school kids, the Europeans surely must think we’re nuts. And they should.

Well…some of us anyway.

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