Image by Coreyu via Flickr
You, you laid-off, post-unemployment, pick-up driving, boozing, three-pack-a-day, nail-pounder who just got his double-wide repossessed and is living in Mom’s basement…YOU for Christ sake!
Well, I can tell from that gaping-rotten-tooth grin of yours and the thousand yard familial stare and poor nutrition you share with the rest of your pathetic brood; that preventative medicine is not high on your “dear God, just-let-me-get-through-the-day” lifestyle.
In fact, the last time you saw a doctor was the night the cops arrested you for Driving Under the Influence and (of course) No Insurance and had to split your scalp in the process.
Not that the wife and your, one-missed-meal-from-rickets kiddies are in any better shape. Well, my friend, I’ve got two things for ya here…Good News and Advice. So, let’s get started.
I know what you’ve been hearing and it’s true. The government, the same one that the King of the Asshole Presidents, Ronald “Let’s Fuck the People in the Ass” Reagan said was “the problem,” is amazingly going to try to help you with one of your problems; and that is finding out why your darling wifey over there, has a lump in one of her tits the size of a golf ball with ambitions on the tennis court.
Yes, my brother, they want to give you free Health Care. Now don’t start with those silly ass questions like: “Am I gonna get to keep my own doctor under this plan?” Well, first of all you don’t have a fucking doctor. Secondly, you couldn’t afford to pay him if you did. And third, he’s not going to carry a tab for you till the steel, auto, electronic, clothing, footwear and high-tech industries come back to America and you can finally find a job again.
Look shit-for-brains, it’s not going to be perfect. “But am I gonna have to wait for an operation if’n I need one?” Yea, probably. But, waiting is better than not getting one at all, right?
So…Here comes the advice…Shut the fuck up and just take it. It is free, you dumb motherfucker. Do you get that part? It’s like when you go shoplifting at the grocery store, so grandma don’t have to pick if it’s going to be dinner or her heart medicine this month. It’s free…so shut up and take it.
“Well ain’t that kinda like welfare,” you ask. No genius…you only get welfare in this country if you’re an AIG executive.
Now shut your drooling pie-hole and take it. And don’t make me think you’re stupider than that goofy fucking president we just talked about…
There isn’t that better, thank you.
M. Bouffant said,
ReplyDeleteAugust 18, 2009 at 21:44
News to Ray Hicks: The only solution to the never-ending problems your horrid species continues to cause for itself is death.
And telling people like you to fuck off & die becomes mighty dull mighty soon, so fun is poked & amusement hoped for as everything goes to hell.
Can you beat that w/ “some serious discussion?”
TO: M. Bouffant
ReplyDeleteBlow me.