Image via Wikipedia
The American people sure are a strange bunch! What other country would use performers as role models and believe the shit that rolls out of the mouths of their snake-tongued publicists?
The American people are so gullible; they think that John Wayne was hero because he played, what his director though was a heroic character, in cowboy movies. That whole “a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do,” two-fisted, rugged-individual, code-of-the-west, man’s-man bullshit was all made up by some Jewish scriptwriter whose closest contact with any form of machismo was a secret contribution he made in college to the Haganah.
Yet, generations of American kids stood in front of the mirror snarling like the Duke, not really aware that in fact, being a man’s-man, was kinda…in a sense…Gay. I believe that once when the iron-jawed John Wayne visited a ward of Marines wounded during World War Two, they threw their bedpans at him. I guess the operative thought was that if Wayne could sling his shit on the screen; they could sling theirs while residents of the Naval Hospital they were guests in.
Fuck John Wayne! It’s always the John Waynes with bad knees or Lee Greenwoods with a hardship draft exemptions, that wave the flag the highest and shout the loudest that we should put a boot in the ass of anyone or anything that gets in America’s way. Of course, it’s never their foot inside that boot when it’s called upon to do the kicking. Fuck them and their “Proud to Be an American,” horseshit, county-western, cornball, horse-opera-heroics. But, Americans follow those Marlboro Man morons for reasons I’ve never been able to understand.
But, as far as Michael Jackson goes, if you are dumb enough to worship any celebrity…Especially one like Jacko there, you ought to go to Hell (if there was such a place) just for being stupid. If you’re dumb enough to sit on a jury and find a celebrity…Especially one like Jacko there…Not Guilty, you should go to Hell with him (or, as in Jackson’s case, her or it.)
Unfortunately, there is no shortage in this country of drooling, nose-picking, imbeciles running around playing with their feces. And a good many of them vote. If, Jackson had run for governor of California before he died…He probably would have won. Ronald “Yes, General…I am awake, please continue with the briefing” Reagan did.
And that my friend, is the exact historical point at which the shit began to run downhill like lava from Mt. Kilofuckinwayah. That is where America did an about face and started the march to where we are today… Without Unions, Industry, jobs, health care or…a fucking future.
Sitting in his Oval Office, Ronald Reagan, doing the fastest, most vigorous, “song and dance” of his celebrated career, did for you and I what the Imperial Japanese Army, the Nazi War Machine and the flu epidemic of 1918 couldn’t do….He took our country away and gave it to the thieves and criminals that have it today. Thanks Ronnie…Thanks for recognizing that the government (at least the one you were part of) was the problem.
So, if you’re wondering why Americans are so enamored with celebrity that they elect actors, weight-lifters and professional wrestlers to public office. And why, in death Michael Jackson, who slept with little boys and thought it was “sweet,” is mourned by a population that should know better: and why there are folks who still think O.J. isn’t a murderer; and why John Wayne is still an icon of sorts…
Stand in line brother…I don’t get it either!
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