Saturday, June 20, 2009

Five new graduates of BSA's Pathfinder Junior ...Image via Wikipedia

Sean Hannity is one of those guys, who has so…So, much respect for the military. Odd, but…he has never been in uniform. (Of course that doesn’t include that night in the tent with his Scout Master, right?) What…He didn’t have the chance to join up? The recruiter miss his high school? No!

I’m afraid Sean Hannity is just one of those media blowhards who gets paid for forwarding the agenda of his bosses. When push comes to shove; he’ll shove you or your kid to the head of the recruitment line trying to make you think he used to write speeches for Douglas MacArthur.

Hannity offered to be water boarded once to show that water boarding isn’t torture. And when somebody offered him a $1000 for every second he allowed himself to be subjected to the “non-torture” of water boarding…Well, we never heard anything about water boarding from Sean Hannity again. That tell you anything?

As far as I’m concerned, water boarding should be mandatory for every spot-on-his-forehead, stinky, Koran-reading, savage we capture. However, I’ll call it torture. But, Sean is good at what he does. And what he does is puff up, blowhard, raise his voice and act like he’s this expert on water boarding, military courtesy and somebody we should listen to.

I’d be careful if he wanted to sell me his used car. But, this is America…You guys believe what you want, okay? And say: Sir; Yes sir! The next time somebody like Hannity, standing way in the back, tells you to step in line.

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