Tuesday, December 29, 2009


WATCH THESE WOODS FILL UP WITH SNOWImage by the_moog via Flickr

The night Barak Hussein Obama was elected President of the United States put faith in America back into the hearts of many people here and abroad. To say he offered hope and the possibility of positive change does not adequidately describe the emotions that filled the air that night. The pride and sense that the people had, after eight long years of the monstrous presidency of George W. Bush, finally overcome the forces of unbridled lunacy and shrugged off what Hugo Chavez aptly called the “smell [of] sulfur.”

But, that was then and now is now. And the man who early on in his political career was called the black JFK has only proven that hope is fleeting and that so far, the business of government is just the same old tune sung in a different key…“Meet the New Boss…Same as the Old Boss.”

The war in Iraq continues. In Afghanistan, troop levels are increased. At home the economy is in shambles. Unemployment is higher then it has been in recent memory. The golden spike in Obama’s pre-election platform, Universal Health Care, has been brushed off the table along with Obama’s potential for greatness. He can not even control his own party to give the people what even some third world countries provide. Mr. Obama couldn’t even bring the Olympics to this country.

In many ways though, he is eerily similar to JFK. He is polished, smart, well spoken and physically attractive. He also shares the same effectiveness in office with JFK. Kennedy never got anything done, his one shining moment…the Cuban Missile crisis put on balance with the feeble joke of the Bay of Pigs.

Obama has seventy-five percent of his presidency left. Maybe, in that time he will live up to his promise to himself and his promises to the American people.

But, I’m not putting any money on it.

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